Sunday, September 28, 2014

How can we take better care of ourselves and nature by learning about beekeeping?

I got tired of working on online marketing for now so I turned on the tv.

I pushed the number 3 button and arrived at AETN, my local PBS station.

Home.  Channel 3 is home in tv land.

PBS has a place in the home of the heart and minds of U.S. families as most of grew up watching famous shows like Sesame St.

In between doing some stretching from sitting at the computer I watched a show I enjoyed entitled Natural Beekeeping.

It amazes me how even a tv show about nature can draw us closer to healthy natural rhythm.  
Not only is there classical music in the background that sounds like the rate and melody I imagine our neural synapses in our brains to fire like which makes great study music or to relax to; but, also the buzz and dance of the bees as they calmly go about their business draws me in.

As our world goes through such stress as we retreat from over-dependence on corporate commerce, its nice to have a landmark like PBS to hold onto to help us work together despite our differences.

What do you want to cultivate to ensure the future has from the past?

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What if you could learn the truth about how to make money online for FREE with the company of other Independent Business Owners who operate more like your buddies than a bunch of idiot sharks trying to hawk their deal?

You can! \/\/\/

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What if 2014 by December is the year that the money breaks?

Harvey Organ is describing this happening to Greg Hunter on his youtube channel:

He's saying that the gold and silver paper ETF - (Exchange Traded Fund) will be worthless because people will not be able to collect the precious metal in exchange for their stock.

The price has been driven down by behavior by places like JP Morgan lying about supply.

They say there are 100 obligations per each piece of precious metals.

There will be a new price when China announces on the news their precious metal credit.

The U.S. doesn't have any precious metal he speculates because they have sold it to China.

Germany tried to collect their gold from Fort Knox and we have not come up with it.

The news doesn't put this in the correct severity of perspective and people don't know so it looks like something isn't happening.

Yet, it is.

Russia and China mine their own precious metals so the U.S. has officially been sold up a river by the federal reserve banksters.

The new world financial order is being initiated despite the U.S. calling for war distraction threats.

What if you could learn the truth about how to make money online for FREE with the company of other Independent Business Owners who operate more like your buddies than a bunch of idiot sharks trying to hawk their deal?

You can! \/\/\/

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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Producing and Consuming News should be about solving problems together not hyping division and fear.

The following is a response I had for the Fox News show that comes on Sunday #mediabuzz with Howard Kurtz where the media grades its ability to cover a story in a way that represents journalistic integrity toward the goal of giving people info so they can form a response that is the duty of citizenship within a democracy.

I tried to email them directly but the email feature didn't show completion when I clicked the "send" button.

I'm watching #mediabuzz right now.

This show is about reviewing how the media covers events right?

Well, the woman guest (sorry didn't catch her name) mentioned that she thought it was not professional for someone of Fox News to have made a joke suggesting someone take the stairs instead of the elevator in regard to the Ray Rice story.

Ok, so I just watched the segment mentioned and I feel its not fair to take what was said about the stairs as acting like domestic abuse is no big deal.

This is an example of how popular it is to grandstand about a topic as an ideologue.  Its like people are a mouse that hears a word and its like a piece of cheese they bite into and their open mind gets shut off just like with a mousetrap as they demonize who they see as their opponent.  We forget.  After the fighting is over, we must figure out a solution beyond name-calling.

I took it as if you are upset or inebriated then don't get into an elevator with someone you might get into a fight with because the closed space and waiting heighten the fear - fight or flight response.  The couple had been arguing prior to the incident so it takes two to start and stop domestic abuse.

Someone could argue the anchor saying "remember, there are cameras in elevators" as suggesting people commit crimes where there are no cameras but again NO.  That is not what is meant, its saying be on your best behavior everywhere because there are cameras and tech spies.

Now, I'm against the NSA and all this spying (because the agencies need for security clearly defines free speech and equality under the law as a threat to their ability to corner the market on what is pro-American) but I'm for us being ourselves and honest and cameras help with that so I feel if we can all have the same laws and cameras on us then its fair and helpful.

I just wish both the media and the public would stop acting in inflammatory ways.  We should all change our seeking attention with headlines and our reactions toward providing solutions in showcasing the different ways to deal with an event.

We as news producers and a self educated public which are both necessary to make democracy work must CHOOSE to use basic psychology so we don't let ourselves get all fired up by news stories without transforming that attention into positive solutions.  We should all grow up.

The power that is used to keep an elite few rich people in charge of world affairs is just as much the ability for we the people to learn about advertising and all the ways we are psychologically manipulated and thus develop defenses against them.

We have to see ourselves as able to help through our actions or else we're blaming and acting as victims to events and this responsibility must be taken seriously by the press and the people or we will be inviting domestic abuse on the scale of world wars just like these couples are having.

Developing internal authority is the only antidote to external authority and the boogeymen they create to scare us into complicity with their control structure.  This is the job of we the people of the world to use media to affect change globally and locally just as it is used on us to modify our behavior.

This is the learning point I feel best serves our way forward.  We all are responsible for the slave/master behavior and striving toward a new balance of forces.

We've all got to evolve past this idea that there is one right way to do things and that the media/education should be used to force everyone to agree or be run over by the majority.

No more crusades or collective punishment or witch hunts.

If a news story or its analysis doesn't end with turning inward to our self and how we can change our behavior to help then its part of the problem.  We all must be responsible for how we communicate and relate with the powerful access to info we have now.

No laws need to be passed, we can just consider this and act accordingly.

No, we should look at this like an energy economy and we're all co-operating to find new ways to distribute energy that comes from our discussion of the day's events so that fights that are counter-productive toward a balance between polar forces occurs instead of trying to profit over controversy.

If any of us do the latter we become an agent of chaos - and that's not funny like it is on Get Smart. lol

People just don't seem to realize that the fears they carry in them are more a threat than whatever is happening - no one can secure that but individuals so I don't like the NFL being used to showcase one person's bad behavior either to promote gangster behavior or to promote a collectivist politically correct response to destroy someone's career over their behavior.

Ultimately, the people are responsible for their behavior.  Yes, profit motives ensure that we are pressured to act out of fear in ways that serve those who profit by chaos.  We need to grow up and accept this as a natural position that will be played.

I'm someone who supports the alternative media and believes we should be critical of what I believe to be manufactured events like ISIS and 9/11.  However, I have grown past hating on elites that rule by trickery - that's their job.

My job is to create win-win outcomes where friendship rules over politics.  Can't have one without the other so its my peers and myself I am concerned with.

Likewise, I believe the media, even if it is largely a mouth piece for Wall St. and a world run by central bankers, can be used just like we can to sell an idea and modify our behavior consciously - despite its corruption because the corruption is the fault of the good people paradoxically.  Not until we take personal responsibility for how we act and re-act do we truly become the good actors we wish to be.  I've learned to respect my opponents in life as shadows of myself I need to understand before I can progress and help.

So, this is why I am commenting on Fox News more because I feel they are improving in how they are asking good questions with their panels for us all to consider.

If I can't dialog here despite my understandable lack of trust of the press in general to act fair despite the pressure of their paycheck gatekeepers then I would also be to blame, as I feel journalists are for, not whistleblowing more about the way news is used as a propaganda arm for global governance just as these sport leagues like the NFL and World Cup are.  I'm in charge of my input and output so I should let others act without fear.  The more people reward those in government, corporations and media that speak the truth despite the threat to their well-being the more they will have a safe haven we create together.

People can just not support the player in this story instead of declare how evil he is (that's witch hunt behavior - problems do not go away from hating on people no matter how vile their actions).  If they really care about domestic abuse then you wouldn't send the message that only the men play a role in this behavior and you wouldn't ostracize people for making bad mistakes.

Its more important what we learn from mistakes or violence including warfare than it is to go on these crusades to show we're tough on terrorism or domestic abuse.  Because anytime like the Ice Bucket Challenge or whatever media fad that gets people all jazzed up people need to not just play along with the media and vice versa but we need to see what we learned and changed as a result.

Example:  showcase how Ravens fans for and against Ray Rice could help organize a workshop about domestic abuse to stop it happening.

So, again, I don't want to hear anyone on the news both audience or anchor to dictate to us what we should do and threaten.  If we don't stand for our ability as the ruled and the rulers to work together to solve problems politics will become war now on the grandest world stage because of the conscious interconnection of people in the world due to the internet and internal change in how we deal with this pressure.

Public discussion should be like a buffet where solutions are offered - we should gain by each other's perspectives not fight for agreement.  Let's encourage critical thought not harass people to agree "or else".

Thanks for the quality coverage of media performance.

chad.warren1 - facebook

Thanks for reading. Please comment, share and refer us to a website you find value in that matches the spirit of this post and site.

What if you could learn the truth about how to make money online for FREE with the company of other Independent Business Owners who operate more like your buddies than a bunch of idiot sharks trying to hawk their deal?

You can! \/\/\/

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Friday, September 5, 2014

Center for Disease Control scientist reveals censored data that Black American babies are at 3x the risk of getting autism from vaccines.

African American babies under 36 months of age were injected with vaccines in a 2004 study published in the prestigious medical journal Pediatrics.  William W. Thompson, Ph.D., who is a senior scientist at the Center for Disease Control and co-author of the study was concerned that data was censored in the report which showed the black children to have a 3x greater risk of displaying autism after receiving the vaccines.  He felt compelled to share this info because he worried it would take away from the correct use of vaccines.

I heard about this from InfoWars - you can find that 10 minute video here:

Also, I went to which is the (The Conservative voice of Arizona) because it came up highly ranked in a Google search.  There you can read more interesting facts like how Dr. Thompson claims he was treated by the CDC after this disclosure.  Also, if you don't already know, look there for what Julie Gerdberding M.D., former head of the CDC, said on national tv about what effects ANY vaccine can cause in children regarding autism.

If you don't like male dominated racist religion running the world then STOP MINDLESSLY OBEYING AND SUPPORTING THE ESTABLISHMENT.

Thanks for reading. Please comment, share and refer us to a website you find value in that matches the spirit of this post and site.

Monday, September 1, 2014

September 1st, 2014 - Daily Marketing Actions - Start a Mastermind Group

The purpose of this post is to show that anyone can learn to market effectively.


We don't have to be afraid to share that we don't know what to do or to share the truth of what we are doing.

From the slick websites to the fake conversations with supposed leaders there is a number one problem in the world and that is pretending to do something and people falling for this ruse.

If more newbies spoke up and said, (I did what you said to do to be successful but I don't see the outcome) then we'd all be better off.

The problem lies with students/followers.  They may not have confidence enough to be honest or ask questions but this is the only way to test if someone acting as a leader has a right to.

I'm so tired of people not admitting that these network marketing offers all do the same thing.  They tell you anyone can be successful then they hand you the same generic lead capture and sales pages and people are left to wonder what to do with them.  Do you share them in social network marketing groups and hope someone clicks one before you are flagged unfairly for spamming the same offer?

Do you do the same at Craigslist or do you pay for leads and to advertise?

Unless you can duplicate the whole company and its expensive marketing system then how are you going to duplicate their success for free?

I'm not sure why these companies do this or why they are full of people who brag on groups about their sign ups yet when you ask what they did to get them, all you get are BS answers that you can't use.

So, I'm going to be writing daily blogposts so I can track what in the hell am I actually doing in a day of marketing and what are the results.

My first post is about starting a Mastermind Group.  I think its simple enough.  You've got people that know successful marketing methods (or could be any other info topic) and those who want to learn them.

Why would people that know effective skill sets share them with their competition?

Because, we all know that we've tried and failed and that is because we bought something before we tested it to work.  This gives a chance for leaders to prove themselves by sharing info and for students to prove themselves by applying it as instructed, tracking and sharing successful results or figuring out what went wrong.

Collaboration is the new competition.  We're all competing for dwindling resources so the only way to advance in this environment is to improve our ability to voluntarily co-operate to extend our influence and support group.

So, its 1:23 PM CDT.  I got on the computer at 10:43AM  What have I done?

I started this Community on Google+  "How to find people who want what you have to offer
Online marketing 101"

What is its point?  To find the people that believe as I do that we need to meet with other real people beyond any dogma found in a marketing opportunity we're connected to in order to share what we are doing and what the results are.  We need to interact with others to sort out who knows how to communicate and co-operate to create win-win situations and who the predators and victims are by their behavior to learn not what to do.

We create success by how we act and interact - we determine if network marketing can deliver on its promise to turn entry level marketers into people that know how to deliver on their promises to themselves and others or if they are just spreading lies and money losing behavior.

Here's a Pintrest link that links to a quality example of how to build a mastermind group and why its worth your while.

So, what does my opportunity say I'm supposed to be doing to be successful?

It says: 1. earn versapoints.  I'm using SFI (Strong Future International) to have a free system for anyone to use to learn how to market effectively.  They have what looks like to me to be a strong program because its free to join and the training is very extensive.  It also has clear step by step instructions that give you points for completing actions - these points not only promote learning and applying info but they can be used to buy goods and services.

2. I'm supposed to create sales at which is an e-commerce site offering products and a place to sell products that can be used by fellow marketers and for people that buy and sell items at a place like ebay.  Many free methods are listed to market this site and I picked one of the many suggestions - to use social networks as a place to find your target market.  It could be network marketers or those interested in online auctions or the specific item that has recently been won for pennies on the dollar.

Have I used TripleClicks?  Yes, I recently bought my first TCredits which are used to bid on auctions, buy goods and services, play games and win TCredits and prizes.  You can even receive free credits so its amazing how this is a great place for new marketers to have fun learning marketing without having to spend a dime but also having inexpensive ways to market and grow your downline.  This SFI/Tripleclicks combo has one of the best free training to active consuming and duplicating downline behavior modification outcomes I've seen to date.

I may not have had much success beyond a few payments for sales made through an Empower Network blog and a few hundred dollars made in product sales and I've built a team of 6 active associates in an offline program but I know enough to be able to appreciate truth and quality in a marketing system beyond the majority of bad advice handed out that stinks up the internet and hearts and minds of people blaming us in network marketing as being the source of scams when going along with consensus reality and what the tv offers is a clear road to ruin we should be finding friends to help each other find a way out of the madness of modern life.

So, I'm sharing links to products for auction at crazy low prices - people daily win items like a brand new Apple iPad for $40.  You can earn TCredits, Ninja Blenders and Gold coins for just a few bucks.  You can look and see the history of winners as well as who is placing bids.

This page:  will show you recent Pricebenders Auction winners.  Stefan A won an Apple iPad mini for just 58 cents!  Wow, that's 99% off the retail price of $329.

Where am I sharing links?

Facebook ( - my profile, - Making Money Online)- well now I was blocked from sharing the above link and copy at my own profile on facebook.  I removed the picture that came up from the link and it worked.  Go figure.  Facebook has often restricted my share options for sharing links like this in network marketing groups that promote such link sharing so that is annoying.  Just like its annoying that big companies recommend this and they know the sites will recognize affiliate links as spam and coming from robots.

Google+ ( - a Network Marketing group, - my profile, - Online Money Making)

Thanks for reading. Please comment, share and refer us to a website you find value in that matches the spirit of this post and site.