Tuesday, October 21, 2014

How to post to different social networks on a schedule easily with Buffer

This is super easy to setup and use and is great for casual users or those wanting to use this tool for professional marketing of your message to your audience online.  Best of all its free to try.

What free marketing methods have you used that you find valuable and would like to share?  What have the results been for you?

Just using Buffer for a day, posting twice a day my notifications have increased significantly.

I am glad I added Buffer to my toolbar.

Thanks for reading. Please comment, share and refer us to a website you find value in that matches the spirit of this post and site.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Willie Lynch taught how to control slaves - this is used on us all today. Porn, pop/hip-hop and celbrities are used to make us more manipulable.

In Colonial Times, Willie Lynch gave a speech to fellow slave owners about how to keep their slaves from rebelling and these tactics are still used on the general population today. He said to keep them segregated by any differences they had and also teach them a distorted dialect to keep them from posing a threat to white men in business and politics. Did you know there is a black Skull and Bones?
Isaac Weishaupt joins us to discuss his books: A Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory & Sacrifice: Magic Behind the Mic
His website is IlluminatiWatcher.com
Listen on: Stitcher – iTunes – YouTube – More Podcasts
So many men are masturbating to their computers. Is there a demonic effect? Was the “Fappening” a form of ritual abuse? We will discuss Jennifer Lawrence’s leaked nude photos, Tupac’s murder, Jay-Z violent history, Quincy Jones the Gatekeeper, Dave Chappelle and the Gay Agenda and Snoop Dogg and the Hyper-Sexualization of children and try to understand the deaths that have led to a belief in Celebrity Sacrifice Fappening. - See more at: http://freemantv.com/listen/the-free-zone-live/#sthash.Y73YHyfQ.dpuf

What if you could learn the truth about how to make money online for FREE with the company of other Independent Business Owners who operate more like your buddies than a bunch of idiot sharks trying to hawk their deal?

You can! \/\/\/

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