Friday, June 19, 2015

Jade Helm - Steve Quayle talks with David Knight

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Nicholson1968 -The Elites Age of the Great Work - DoUSeeWhatEyeC - Know Your Enemy

Sex without orgasm - is it better? Is it necessary in order to become a human being?

It looks like the reason why this helps couples have better relationships and bring that happiness to all aspects of their life is because the emphasis shifts on increasing consciousness so that the goal is to snuggle and connect spiritually to one's self and one's mate so people appreciate who they are instead of the heroin like high that orgasm gives us because every high has a low.

We are either feeding our physical animal self or our spiritual conscious self.

The apple in the garden of Eden story of the Bible is talking about how Adam and Eve were instructed not to have an orgasm because it would tarnish their goodness by developing a taste for lust and thus they would lose their immortality.

This is the most important information to humanity and eventhough we have the internet most people still do not know or care.  This is what the Jewish people protected in the Ark - all the other religions refer to the same God and his instructions for man.

This is the hidden knowledge for inquisitive people behind the world's religions that also have a false literal teaching for the common folk - evidently being conscious is not at all necessary for humans to live; so, beyond the fact that those who wish to rule us keep us ignorant people just don't appreciate the value of knowledge naturally as well.

So too man now is creating its offspring - artificial intelligence.

If you want to learn more about this fascinating topic of Gnosticism which is how science and religion were one and are merging back together again check out this video:

So, will we choose to retain our consciousness as we continue to become more machine than man?  Or will we continue to suffer in our choices today as Adam and Eve did back in the primordial day?

While people are taught agnosticism in popular academia and atheism; the leaders who work on cutting edge science like when the atom bomb was made and today how CERN is smashing particles to find how matter functions are working according to spiritual specifications that show that there is no separation between the material and metaphysical world.

Like the fantasy world of wizardy that Harry Potter popularizes, these real scientists like Jack Parsons who worked on rocketry leading to the atom bomb believed they were summoning the anti-christ to appear in our physical world when the bomb was dropped and supposedly the movie Rosemary's Baby is about how Satanists have a woman bear a child for the purpose of sacrifice in order to cause change in this world.

Biology is all about sex ofcourse so shouldn't we question why both science and religion seem so uncomfortable with how they teach about this to the public?

Religion typically makes one feel guilty for thinking about it and science says its just a meaningless chemical reaction and that all of life is purposeless.  What evil has been wrought from living under this mind control for so long?

What do you have to say about all this?

I'm interested to practice yoga and meditation more in order to access this higher power.  Evidently, one cannot become a human being until they are married and find the right mate to have sex without orgasm and this resulting vital spiritual energy generated is applied toward living as father God and Mother Nature commands that comes from a calling from within instinctually and intuitively in addition to understanding word knowledge.
I consider myself as being more able than most to see both sides of the flesh/spiritual realms which is why I like to share these questions with people because they wouldn't think about them without me and I wouldn't know how people that feel more affiliated with one side or the other without their feedback.

Sex is what is happening when scientists wish to bring anti-matter into this physical world despite experts Stephen Hawkings and Neils DeGrasse Tyson warning that this may destroy our universe.

Visit the site above if you want to learn how our whole world culture is lead by a ruling class who follows Satanism; so, if you don't think this stuff is real what do you think about the people that make the system we live in designing it around such concepts?