Saturday, November 29, 2014

How do we turn the negative of Ferguson into a positive?

If it is not already obvious to you - the Ferguson, MO. Michael Brown situation is a carefully orchestrated club to beat us into a race war frenzy that couldn't happen without the media to fan the flames of hate and fear that become the growing police state.

Here is a black man who encourages his same colored skin folk to

‘STOP messing up your neighborhood’ there ‘ain’t no rich white man sneaking into the hood painting graffiti, peeing in hallways, sellin’ crack on the corner”.

Its not a white man that is sneaking around - its anyone who will step on anybody to gain power at the expense of others.

This picture shows where I heard about this video and blog.  Its a small but high quality group where we discuss issues of the day.

Won't you check it out and join the group if you wish to help in providing solutions through a local/global mastermind group?

Those people that think that way are eventually collected by Zionism which is what rules the world - the idea that this group of people is better than anyone not in the group.

The Muslims are the Jews are the Christians are the Communists are the Capitalists are the Atheists are Scientism are Corporate U.N. government.

They run the race war to bring on world war 3.

Have you been hearing the stories about teens flying to the Middle East to become Muslim extremists?

Black folk are approached by Islam via Freemasonry and Prison.
Muslims are Jews - they have to have a bad guy to fight so they play a shirts and skins football game with our lives on the line.

The Illuminati plan for world war 3: Zionism Vs Islam

If Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landing and he made Eyes Wide Shut about how he was never accepted by this elite group of Occultists then we will not be able to win by playing their games either so find out who really has your back, right?

All groups are infiltrated by people that use the groups to serve this goal of world war 3; so, we need to break away from how our groups are organized by centralized corporate bodies - churches are corporations as are our governments.  We're all coming from being full of lies and seeking to shed that and act correctly so don't feel bad if everything you think you know is incorrect.  We've all been lied to and abused.
Whomever can offer a better way forward will win the energy of the good hearted, hard working people of the world who want to do the right thing.
Most people will probably stand with the Satanic media as the truth comes out and gets more and more scary to them.
We should work to give them a way out of hell but most won't want to think, feel and do cause it hurts.  They will try to stop that pain and become un-conscious by consuming drugs and entertaining themselves to death.

We have to find sanctuary like in Logan's Run.  Truth-seeking cannot be owned by any one group, government or religion - its us together connected to Mother Earth and Father Sky.  Jesus is the sun.  The 3 Magi followed stars to find him.

Each group like science and different cultures has a piece of the puzzle for how to live free from the Satanic control grid - the Matrix.


This is Alex Jones who unfortunately is the most dominant force in the truth seeking alternative media.

He is talking about the problem of Ferguson and how the same Communists that come in to promote this riot have been at all the other demonstrations like Occupy.

What's the solution though?


Here is how a race war is planned and how Charles Manson was connected directly to the Beatles and their song, Helter Skelter via Satanist Aleister Crowley who the Beatles promote on their Sgt. Pepper's album.  The Sharon Tate murder was to help this race war happen.

Monday, November 24, 2014

11 days into the bicycle commuting lifestyle and loving it.

I had an experience I'd like to share that stood out to me as a secret that one who rides their bicycle through Little Rock, Arkansas - like any town anywhere would discover.

The joys of an impromptu ride on a gorgeous fall day through the historic district of town.

New bicycle commuter feels confident.

By Chad the Joker. from Little Rock, AR on 12/1/2014


5out of 5

Pros: Handles Well, Fast, Responsive, Lightweight, Good Geometry, Comfortable

Best Uses: Commuting, Exercising, Casual Riding

Describe Yourself: Commuter

Was this a gift?: No

I have been riding to work 5 days a week up 154ft. and down 161ft. over 2.6 miles one way on sidewalks and asphalt in all weather conditions for the past 3 weeks.

It seems to shift down better from 3 - 2 - 1 if I stop and then start pedaling with the rear in 2 - 5.

I've gone up medium grade wet grass hills with only minor traction slipping.

I'm very happy with this bike to take me wherever.

Taking the tires off and putting them back on seems to mis-adjust the brake caliper tension that keeps the pad off the rim.

It usually shifts very quietly.

Riding clean, eating dirty.


Tags: Using Product, Restaurant, Neighborhood

Using bike with bus transit to leave city limits.


Tags: Country, Bus


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Yes! Reject the lie that a corporate government of, for and by the central banking mafia can do anything but consume your worth and spit you out for buying their dependency. It is nature and spirit from which we spring - not the scraps from some master's table. External authority = personal irresponsibility.

Here is a TIME magazine article about this:

Voting like most concepts that are bedrocks of modern society are engineered by a few who think they own the earth and all life here and anywhere they can. Should you support this idea?

Obviously not.  Isn't it obvious that civilization with its laws and its science of tyranny via indoctrination toward manufacturing our consent so we are fooled into thinking we make choices the most evil idea imagined?

So what if its popular?

Here's a blog that outlines some reasons why voting is a bad idea.  I'll list them and you may go to the blog to read John Schneider's further explanation he wrote for the Duke University Chronicle.

1. It legitimizes the tyranny of the majority.
2. Everyone’s vote counts the same.
3. Voting further entrenches the given party system. 

"Anarchists propose that a better way to do things would be to ensure that no one has more power than another, that everyone was equal and had an equal say in their direct affairs.  We believe important decisions such as where and how we work, how we live, and how we relate to each other, should be decided directly by all those involved. This is what we mean by ‘direct democracy’, and as we shall see, is totally different to ‘representative democracy'

"...Far from advocating chaos, anarchists are strong believers in organisation—and in particular, ways of organizing that are as non-exploitative as possible. Anarchists don’t just wont to flip the ‘pyramid’ upside down, so the bottom becomes the top and the top becomes the bottom—we would rather do away with the pyramid all together! Instead, horizontal and equal forms of decision making would replace it, making the most out of non-hierarchical systems that would function—not up or down—but from the outside edges-in, from the periphery to the center. This form of direct democracy is known as Federalism."

"The key aspects of direct democracy is the fluid and temporary nature of delegation; that delegates are directly involved in the decision making, and are directly from and for the group; and that everyone involved has a direct say in the issue at hand (whether that’s shopping, running a community garden, or an entire workplace/community). What’s cool about it is the equal balance of power in making decisions, and the non-existence of an exploitative hierarchy."

If you would like to see an example of how this works using the analogy of organizing a group of people to go shopping for a group project and see it tested by doubt then please visit:

My understanding of the value of federalism is as simple as if you were in a classroom of fellow students.  Imagine you're all working on an art project and you need some glue so you call across the way to your classmate Susie - "Would you toss me the glue please, Susie?"  She complies and you both continue your work.

This gets into how we must be both individuals and unified in a greater work in order to perform at peak and have fun doing it by making judgement decisions and realizing that if we help enough other people to get what they want then we'll receive help when we need it as well.

Is this your view of the chaos that direct democracy or anarchy would bring?

Or this?

I don't like those images either.  They are based on the idea that one must use violence to achieve their goal of freedom.  Who is hurt in the process doesn't seem to matter to those with this mindset to me.  The logo seems to suggest negating the sex act of combining the male member via the up facing triangle and the female egg of a circle with a nix line through that.

I perceive that this idea that is popularized in media and activism is not a solution but is the reason why people correctly do not want to use protests as a means of securing power.  These methods are about taking your power from your oppressor but it is our own behavior we should control.  We are the one's who choose to buy the things we want and need from mega-corporations when we could grow our own food or buy it at a farmer's market, for example.  You can't achieve anything by shouting hate and throwing a maltov cocktail at yourself or McDonald's.  That is a form of censorship which is stealing another's right to be.

I can't recommend Mark Passio enough in your research into what being a responsible adult is about.

He is a great speaker, event organizer, radio host, and graphic artist/web designer.  He's got good taste in music if you like metal too.

What is another barrier to us developing the discipline to match our passion in our struggle so that one day everyone will be equal in operating our affairs instead of slaves on a prison planet plantation?

I say it is to stop filling ourselves with poison.  Mark up above is great about helping you begin the task of removing the malware on your mental/emotional computer of your self so you can lead yourself to victory in life.

Gabe Rivera is a new friend of mine in liberty activism.  He skated as a child evidently and it takes someone who rebels against the system to figure out what rules are and how to organize a system and live by it so its strong enough to contain us and liberate us at the same time.

He correctly focuses on the failed War on Drugs as a problem to solve in order to start human civilization.  We live where people talk about Jesus or humanism but there isn't much going on.  There's alot more standing in line for iPhones or Black Friday stampedes aren't there?

Just as this idiot cattle majority can be mislead by the few who wish to control the many, it can be lead by the few who wish to liberate the many.

"All war, poverty, homelessness,
corruption and toxic forms of living
will be eliminated forever
when we
end the drug war today.

This website will be the resource that educates humanity
on how to create the meme that will Save Mother Earth."

External Government must kill you because external government does not need you BY YOUR OWN VOTE of NO CONFIDENCE in YOUR ABILITY TO LIVE YOUR OWN LIFE.

In America we are taught to be rebels.
This is marketed differently to different demographics such as:


Commie Mexicans

Hip Hop Gang Bangers

Voting is where collectivized violence comes and goes from in support of the Just-Us system.  Don't believe the hype.

Voting causes bombs to be dropped.  Would you like to vote to not have a bomb dropped on you?  Sorry, you're in the minority according to the exit polls based on a machine that counts your votes made by the people that make ATM machines - Diebold.

You want to vote?

Be your own nation and electorate.
Here are some measures you may wan to put on the ballot and hope they attract support.
1. Eat healthy food as in not genetically modified organisms made by Monsanto (which refers to the Holy Mountain Moses acted like he ruled the world from and spread the mental virus that some people are chosen by God and should force the rest to die under extreme suffering till they kill themselves.

Do you want to wait till someone votes to decide this is genocide to give people poison or would you just not eat it now under your own authority?

Would you like to have a majority decide if you can say something?

It will get you put in prison in Europe to question if its a good idea to give a group of people that claim they are better than everyone else a country just because people hate the way the subvert their cultures with interest on loans and making money they create that has no work or asset backing it called Jews who now have Israel and force us all to fight their racial supremacist world wars.

I don't care if I were the only one in the world who knew that's evil - your voting on it is taking away not just my right to self rule but your own.

Will you agree with democracy when Muslims are allowed to run the part of town they take over and decree must operate under Sharia law?  No women without burkas, no gay people.

Will you be a big democrat then?

How is a Republic working out for you?  That's where you have representatives and they are supposed to follow laws like the U.S. Constitution.

Looks like the will of the people isn't making it into legislation and the only law enforcement I see is us little people for smoking weed and having a tail light out.

But who will pay for the roads, the idiots declare.  You and I just like now only that money won't get stolen when our peers operate the business of building them and we can see into how that is run and not pushed off by some Federal guard with a uniform at the door.

Before you go, I'd like to show a picture of what a terrorist really looks like.  This is a person who demands that everyone be collected into a system and told what to do by others and forced to do it at gunpoint and by medical perscription involved in the most hateful state-religion of violence that hopes to ensure hell exists on earth.

A Voter:

"Report today to your local UNITE Indentification Center and show yourself a true citizen of the world."

There is no voting here but there are other awesome people like you who are committed to having fun changing their behavior for the better while learning about far out truth and proving that friendship is the most dependable currency.

What if you could learn the truth about how to make money online for FREE with the company of other Independent Business Owners who operate more like your buddies than a bunch of idiot sharks trying to hawk their deal?

You can! \/\/\/

Thanks for visiting.  Please Like, Comment and Share. : )

Saturday, November 15, 2014

You're Invited to a Podcast Party for The Free Zone Live w/ LA Marzulli - Biblical Prophecy - The Nephilim

You're Invited to a Listening Party!

Tonight 7PM Central time

The Free Zone Live podcast featuring Freeman Fly and Jamie Hanshaw with guest LA Marzulli

Here's the link for the show:

Here's an excerpt of his Biography:

"L. A. Marzulli is an author, lecturer and film maker.  He has penned eight books including The Nephilim Trilogy which made the CBA best sellers list.  He received an honorary doctorate for the series from his mentor Dr. I. D. E. Thomas, who was the Provost at Pacific International University.   His new series On the Trail of the Nephilim is a full color, over-sized book which uncovers startling evidence that there has been a massive cover up of what he believes are the remains of the Nephilim, the giants mentioned in the Bible!  He is now working on Volume II, in the series which promises to have even more incredible and revealing photographs and interviews!  L. A. is On the Trail! 

There is a Chatango free chat module available at the Free Zone Live page where we can chat with others about the show.

I will also be available if you want to communicate or have anything you'd like me to blog about concerning what we the audience of these Truthseeking podcasts can do that would be a good idea to help affect change in the general community at: & Google Voice (501) 436-9466

Live Hangout Event Page:

What if you could learn the truth about how to make money online for FREE with the company of other Independent Business Owners who operate more like your buddies than a bunch of idiot sharks trying to hawk their deal?

You can! \/\/\/

Thanks for visiting.  Please Like, Comment and Share. : )

Friday, November 14, 2014

Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) (acupuncturist, doctor of oriental and pastoral medicine) Nature is the best medicine.

What if you could learn the truth about how to make money online for FREE with the company of other Independent Business Owners who operate more like your buddies than a bunch of idiot sharks trying to hawk their deal?

You can! \/\/\/

Thanks for visiting.  Please Like, Comment and Share. : )

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

First time listen to the Grimerica podcast - show notes - Adam Gorightly - new book - Historia Discordia

Show description from Grimerica.CA:

Adam Gorightly, author of many books, blogs and rants of the conspiracy and counterculture genre his latest book being, “Historia Discordia” joins the Grimerican’s in this episode. They chat about Discordianism, synchronicities, conspiracies, UFO’s and LSD, Top secret programs and strange connections between controversial history figures. Check out Adam’s work at:
My notes:

 Discordianism = A counter-religion that celebrates the face that there is no order imposed on reality except by human desire for it. Examples: The Church of Sub-Genius Robert Anton Wilson - Operation Mindfuck = They pretended to be the Bavarian Illuminati in letters of their Discordian Society (pranksters). Belief is the death of intelligence - RAW - Discordians must stick apart = that's like how we must be united in our differences = united states

So, I'm hearing some real hosers here ala the McKenzie Brothers (joke for the humor impaired)

They probably appreciate that reference as much as I would appreciate people asking if I wore shoes regularly since I'm from Arkansas.


Ofcourse then I go around saying "y'all" thinking its cute and unique in a time where anything resembling real culture is being tagged and bagged for dead like deer in the woods this time of year.

Adam Gorightly - he had to have made up that name, right?

I heard about discordianism via Robert Anton Wilson and his Illuminatus Chronicles.

Adam mentioned the idea of Illumi-Naughty.  I thought of that too and used to tell people about my joke idea for a titty bar based around the Illuminati pyramid idea.

Adam also mentioned J.R. Bob Dobbs and the church of the Sub-Genius.

I remember finding this at Waldenbooks in the Hot Springs Mall back around 1990.

Uh oh...

I feel it coming on due to that damned picture of Waldenbooks.

Its a full on 80's nostalgia wave.

Set your YouTubes to Fresh Aire by Mannheim Steamroller.

I thumbed through it a number of times - it was real expensive so I left there only to find it in the bathroom of a stoner friend's bathroom upon attending university.

There I went on to read Snowcrash by Neil's Stephenson thanks to Chris Mattson.


It was all memes, acid and Magic the Gathering for abit after that.  We'll cut out the next 17 years and now I'm divorced with an awesome 4 year old son - go figure.

What if you could learn the truth about how to make money online for FREE with the company of other Independent Business Owners who operate more like your buddies than a bunch of idiot sharks trying to hawk their deal?

You can! \/\/\/

Thanks for visiting.  Please Like, Comment and Share. : )